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Dec. 24, 2019

Advent Calendar: 24 Minute Meditation

Advent Calendar: 24 Minute Meditation

In this meditation we use live chanting and the Hong Sau technique to connect with the heart and to go deeper within to connect with that deepest aspect of ourselves. Don't just get through the holidays - thrive! Every day in December Kara and...

In this meditation we use live chanting and the Hong Sau technique to connect with the heart and to go deeper within to connect with that deepest aspect of ourselves.

Don't just get through the holidays - thrive! Every day in December Kara and Alessandra will release a new guided meditation, starting at 1 minute in length and adding another minute every day. Use these meditations as a daily practice of centering and grounding yourself, escaping from the busyness and demands of the holidays to connect with your inner self.

☕️ You can also buy me a coffee. ☺️

Connect with me:

IG: @kara_goodwin_meditation

FB: @karagoodwinmeditation

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